Forecasting of Millet Area and Production in Pakistan
Nusrat Habib, Muhammad Zubair Anwer, Ikram Saeed
Journal of Social Welfare and Human Rights, 1(1), pp. 47-52.

The present study was planned to check the trend analysis of area and production of millet in Pakistan. The findings of the study are based on millet area and production data during the years (1984-85 to 2011-12). Three models of trend analysis were applied but most appropriate model for trend analysis of the present study was quadratic model. Forecasting was also done up to 2016-17. Forecast values are very close to actual values.

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Habib, Nusrat., Anwer, Zubair Muhammad., & Saeed, Ikram. (2013). Forecasting of Millet Area and Production in Pakistan. Journal of Social Welfare and Human Rights, 1(1), pp. 47-52.

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Nusrat Habib
Scientific Officer, Social Sciences Research Institute
National Agricultural Research Centre
Islamabad, Pakistan

Muhammad Zubair Anwer
Ikram Saeed
Principal Scientific Officer, Social Sciences Research Institute
National Agricultural Research Centre
Islamabad, Pakistan