Results Based Financing in Zimbabwe: Any Changes in the Health Delivery System?
Angeline Sithole
Journal of Social Welfare and Human Rights, 1(1), pp. 36-46.

This research aims to assess the impact of the Results Based Financing programme on maternal and child health care and evaluate the challenges that are being faced in implementing Results Based Financing. Progress has been made in improving availability of healthcare to vulnerable groups however the mortality rates are not decreasing. Challenges such as bureaucratic legal frameworks, deteriorating infrastructure, lack of expertise in the health sector, poor remuneration, corruption, in accessibility of some rural health centres, religious and cultural beliefs have hampered implementation. It is recommended that political and social realities be considered as they impede implementation efforts. Accountability frameworks are important as they help curb corrupt activities. Targets set and incentives used should be appropriate and genuinely increase access to the poorest and most vulnerable, more rural health centres should be built nearer to the communities, and there is a critical need to address the issue of health staff shortages.

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Sithole, Angeline. (2013). Results Based Financing in Zimbabwe: Any Changes in the Health Delivery System? Journal of Social Welfare and Human Rights, 1(1), pp. 36-46.

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Angeline Sithole is a lecturer in the Local Governance Studies Department at the Midlands State University, which is situated in Zimbabwe. She teaches Strategic Planning and Management, Management of Change as well as Results Based Management. In 2009 she obtained a Master of Business Administration degree from the Midlands State University and is currently pursuing doctoral studies in Public Administration with the University of Botswana.

Her research interests lie in the various aspects pertaining to Public Administration such as Strategic Management and Results Based Management; she has published a number of articles with international journals in these disciplines.