Factors of Smoking Among Saudi Youth in the Northern Border Region
Dr. Mohamed Eid Kilase Ajoud
Journal of Social Welfare and Human Rights, 1(1), pp. 22-25.

Background: Smoking is the most important avoidable cause of premature morbidity and mortality in the world. The estimated annual death rate of 4.9 million people in 1999 is expected to rise to 10 million by the 2020s and 2030s, 7 million of which will occur in developing countries. Objectives: The present study aims to determine the factors of smoking among the Saudi youth in the Northern Border Region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, besides studying the impact of Smoking on expenses, savings and smoker sensitivity to price. Methods &Materials: Across-Sectional study was conducted of 1022 among the secondary schools students 656 for males, Northern Border University students 139 for males, Northern Border University students 153 for females and 74 for café visitors. The qualitative data was collected from focus group discussions and interviews.
Results: Results revealed that prevalence of smokers was 24.7%, 38.1%, 9.8% and 70.3% for the four groups of youth respectively. The most common reason for initiating smoking among youth groups was being the frequent contact with others with following proportions: (65.5%) for secondary school students, (74.3%) for male university students, (82%) for café visitors. In contrast the most common reason for female university students to smoke was feeling comfort (41.7.
Conclusion: Smoking is high among the youth in the Northern Border Region, Saudi Arabia. Interventions are needed to decrease the prevalence of smoking in Saudi Arabia.

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Dr. Mohamed Eid Kilase Ajoud is assistant professor of public administration at the College of Business Administration Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia. His career embraces both public administration and the political science. At the University of Juba he earned Bachelor of Science (Honours Degree) Division One Class Two, M.Sc., and received a Ph.D. in Political Science in 2010 from the College of Social and Economic Studies. At the University of Khartoum he earned Postgraduate Diploma in Development Studies and Planning. Dr. Mohamed joined earlier in 2003 the University of Juba in Sudan as Teaching Assistant and shifted to the status of Lecturer in 2006 and Assistant Professor in 2010. In 2004 Dr. Mohamed has attended advanced courses in Quantitative and Qualitative research Methods organized by the Middle East awards Program (ME Awards) for Population & Social Sciences of the population Council Regional Office for West Asia and North Africa, and the then he developed a very solid skills and techniques of research. Dr. Mohamed Eid Kilase participated in a research project about Street Children in Khartoum State, and this is a joint research which comprised from the Development Studies and Research Institute - University of Khartoum, National Council for Child Welfare in Sudan and UNICEF organization.

In 2011 Dr. Mohamed Eid Kilase joined to College of Business Administration at the Northern Border University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to teach and conduct researches. His main research interests include: the public policy and citizen engagement, unemployment and poverty reduction in Africa, the role of non-governmental organizations in combating corruption, the role of non-state actors in empowering poor people, rehabilitation of war-torn communities, social justice and social exclusion. Dr. Mohamed has conducted many researches, among which are several devoted to exploring and articulating issues in conflict and violence in Sudan, the role of the university in economic development, transformational leadership, child soldier protection, academic freedom. Recently Dr. Mohamed is a member of the College Board in the Business Administration College, Northern Border University (NBU) and also Reviewer for the undergraduate students researches at the NBU , also he is an Acting Head of the Department of Public Administration.